Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Who says labor isn't fun?

It's all fun and games 'til the Pitocin kicks in.


Lori Gerten said...

Ok that was awesome!! Who'dve thunk to use the birthing ball as a bouncy ball!!

SO what's the name of M.B.?

Tobi said...

I'm glad he made you laugh. Someone needs to have a good time during labor.

Becky in Wyo said...

That's why men are fun...

In our family, Zen is the Fun Guy, and I'm the Wornout Caretaker Who Wants A Few Minutes To Herself. It's sad in a funny, ironic sort of way, but it's also why I'm grateful for him - he gets all of us off our rear ends and doing stuff, thinking outside of the box (the XBox, that is...) We always have more fun when he is there, than when the rest of us are left to our own devices.